Trash Information

FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
(Republic Services Is The Provider)


Republic 2025 Trash Holiday pick-up schedule




Clay Township contracts through Republic for scheduling, pickup and billing of trash in all unincorporated areas of the Township and the Village of Phillipsburg. The district is called the Clay-Phil Trash District.


June 16, 2020

Dear Residents of the ClayPhil Trash District,

The ClayPhil Trash District is pleased to announce that it has secured a new five (5) year contract extension with Republic Services effective July 1, 2020.

ClayPhil Trash District residents have benefited from the Trash District’s ability to negotiate competitive rates, provide quality service and host annual bulk pick-up and recycling events over the past ten (10) years. During the years 2010-2015, ClayPhil residents enjoyed less than a 1.5% increase in pricing. From 2015-2020, ClayPhil residents also enjoyed only a minimal increase to offset the rising management expenses for invoicing and collection.

The new five (5) year contract with Republic Services includes many exciting changes and additional services that will benefit the residents over the next five years. The ClayPhil Trash District will be transitioning from Clay Township performing the invoicing and collection services to Republic Services providing the Account Management. This Account Management includes ClayPhil residents being invoiced by Republic Services and payment collection for amounts invoiced, effective October 1, 2020.

The new contract and pricing begins on July 1, 2020. The final invoice from Clay Township will be sent to residents on July 1, 2020 for the third quarter and all related payments are to be submitted to Clay Township for services through September 30, 2020 (billed July 1).

The new monthly contract prices effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2025 are as follows:


Monthly Monthly Tote/

Standard Rate-MSW and EOW Recycling Senior Rate Cart Per Month

2020-2021 $18.50 $16.65 $2.75

2021-2022 $19.10 $17.19 $2.75

2022-2023 $19.72 $17.75 $2.75

2023-2024 $20.36 $18.33 $2.75

2024-2025 $21.02 $18.92 $2.75

(MSW – Municipal Solid Waste and EOW Recycling – Every Other Week for Recycling)

As a part of the new five (5) year contract, Republic Services will be taking over the management of your account which includes sending out quarterly invoices and providing collection services to all ClayPhil Trash District residents effective October 1, 2020. Clay Township will no longer be managing the accounts.

With this change, ClayPhil residents will gain access to the very popular online resource application “My Resources” that is accessible from your phone and/or home computer, 24 hours per day, 7 days a week. “My Resources” is an online resource where ClayPhil residents will have access to their account at their

fingertips anytime of the day or night. Residents will now be able to pay their bills via bank draft, electronic funds transfer, debit or credit card, money order or make a payment the traditional way of mailing in a check. The only service no longer provided will be paying the bill at the Clay Township Offices. Republic Services offers a 24-Hour Hotline as well for your convenience.

Other services Republic offers include having the ability to start a new account, change account information and discontinue an account if you no longer own your home. You also will be able to order an extra container, order Bulk Pickup at your residence and share your concerns if service issues arise. If you provide Republic Services with your email and phone number, they will be able to send out information directly to you about holiday services, special recycling events and other important information.

As a reminder, the ClayPhil Trash District was formed for the purposes of limiting large truck traffic that damages the Township roadways and, more importantly, bundling more customers into one group to take advantage of competitive trash and recycling pricing. The District does not feature an “Opt Out” program. The District is for residential customers only and is not available to commercial trash users. All residential property owners are required to utilize the ClayPhil Trash District.

The ClayPhil Trash District has been very diligent in working with Republic Services to secure conservative rates. With the potential for rising costs of trash disposal and recycling, the District has done its best to insulate the residents from such instability and to continue the great services it has provided for many years.

If you have any questions about your trash account, please feel free to contact Clay Township Offices 937-833-4015.


Clay Township Board of Trustees


Trash Services

Republic Services – 1-937-268-8110 – Call for missed trash pickups and large item removal. Also call Republic to set up new trash service and billing questions.




Q: Is there an app to access my Republic Services account 24/7?

A: Visit to sign up for online access or to download the app onto your cell phone.

Q: Why did I get billed twice, one by Clay and one by Republic for September 2020?

A: There was an accidental billing that overlapped the month of September. Credit for payments received by Clay Twp for September 2020 will be applied to the Republic billing cycle of December,January, February.It will not be applied to the current September, October, November 2020 Republic Billing cycle.

Q: If I paid for the year in advance in January 2020 why did I receive a bill from Republic?

A: A price increase occurred on the July, August, September 2020 invoice from Clay Township, your credit covered the increase. The remaining credit is being transferred/applied to your new Republic billing of December, January and February. The remaining credit will not apply to the first Republic billing of September, October and November 2020.

Q: Why did I get a bill from Republic?

A: The Clay Phil trash district has signed a new agreement with Republic that began on July 1, 2020, which detailed a transfer of the billing program from Clay Township to Republic Services.

Republic Services began invoicing on September 1,2020, which is for September, October and November 2020. Clay Phil customers are required to pay the new invoice to Republic Services. Clay Township will no longer be sending billing invoices or accepting payment.

Q: Can I continue to allow my trash bill to be assessed to my property taxes instead of paying the bill direct?

A:You will no longer be permitted to allow your trash invoice to be assessed to your taxes. Late payments to Republic Services will be sent to collections.

Q: Where's my Senior Discount?

A:It is the responsibility of the Clay Phil customer to notify Republic Services when a property owner reaches age 65 to have the discount applied to your account. There is no feature that will apply the senior discount retroactively on prior invoices.

Q: Who do I contact when I have billing, account questions or any other trash related issues?

A: You must contact Republic Services at 937-268-8110; please submit payment to:

Republic Services #260

PO Box 9001099

Louisville, KY 40290-1099

Q: Is there Republic Services information available on the Clay Township website?

A: Yes, there's information dedicated to the trash district for residents to review, located under the Public Works tab.

Q: What do I do if my bill is automatically paid from my bank?

A: It is the Clay Phil trash customer's responsibility to contact their own financial institution to direct payment to Republic Services and no longer send to Clay Township Offices. Clay Township Offices are returning any payment received to the customer and NOT forwarding the payment to Republic.

Q: What if I dropped a payment into the drop box at Clay Township?

A: Clay Township will return that check to the customer.

Q: What if I sell my property, what should I do?

A: It is the Clay Phil customer's responsibility to  contact Republic Services to notify of the change in ownership and close the account.

Q: If I own rental property what is my responsibility as the owner/landlord of the property in regards to trash service?

A: Republic will be billing the trash service to property owners ONLY. Property owners are responsible for paying the trash invoice at all times. This means that if a property is rented/leased/vacant/being remodeled the landlord must continue to pay the invoice. Renters/Leasees of property will not be permitted to open trash accounts in their name for the property that they rent or lease.

Q: Why have I not been receiving a trash bill and now I have received my first one?

A: Republic Services are performing audits on the Clay Phil district account and may have discovered that you should have an open account on that property per trash district requirements.

Q: If I am a renter am I required to open up a trash district account?

A: The trash invoices are sent to the property owner/landlord.

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