Clay Township to hire part-timers
Brookville Star
Kay Dawson
Contributing Writer
CLAY TOWNSHIP - Clay Township trustees agreed at the April 16 meeting to hire part-time seasonal road and cemetery maintenance workers, to work from May 2018 to November 2018. Applications are available at the Clay Township Administrative Office from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Trustees also announced that the prescription drop-off box will be available at the building within a few days for anyone to dispose of outdated or unused prescription medicine. It was about to be bolted into place so, as Trustee Jeff Requarth pointed out, "no one can run off with the contents."
Anyone, township resident or not, can drop off medications, Police Chief John Van Gundy said.
"It's a 'don't ask don't tell situation."
Trustees also discussed the problem of street lights in the Wengerlawn area. Two of the lights are not working and at an earlier meeting Trustee Steve Woolf said Dayton Power & Light was researching the area to determine who was responsible for the lights. At the latest meeting, he reported he had not uncovered any township records detailing the establishment of the Wengerlawn lighting district and DP&L had not uncovered any records wither.
When Woolf reported he had contacted the residents and none could remember when the lights were installed, Zoning Officer Justin Brown said he had heard someone say they were in place about 1985.
Checking with Fiscal Officer Brad Limbert, who confirmed that the records of the trustee meetings were supposed to be kept indefinitely, Trustee Dave Vore then said, "We need to check from 1980 on, in that case. There must be a record."
Requarth said the original action didn't matter much, saying, "If we have been assessing the homeowners and we are getting the money, the lights are our responsibility."
Woolf also reported the Montgomery County Solid Waste District has signed a 10-year contract with Rumpke instead of Waste Management and also said he had gotten requests from residents to have the "Keep Clay Clean" event this August again to include tire recycling and shredding. He asked Phillipsburg Mayor Cheryl Crabtree, who was present, if the event could again be held in the Phillipsburg park.
Crabtree was agreeable but cautioned, "I need a date as soon as possible, because all three ball diamonds are in use and scheduling may be a problem."
Woolf explained for Requarth's benefit, who joined the trustees after the event was moved to Phillipsburg, that there had been complaints about trucks driving through the cemetery with items to be contributed.
Th next regular meeting will be at 5 p.m. on Monday, May 7, in the township meeting room at 8207 Arlington Road.